Title: Live To Tell
Genre: Crime, Drama, and Mystery Thriller
Rating: 15
Genre: Crime, Drama, and Mystery Thriller
Rating: 15
Storyline: College student Mandy is attacked by a mysterious figure while on her way home from school. A week later when Mandy recovers from her attack she receives a letter in the post and opens it to find a note covered in soil which had a picture of a heart which read "its no fun if your hearts not in it"...
This is the full plot of what will happen throughout the whole film :
This is the full plot of what will happen throughout the whole film :
Following from when Mandy receives the letter, a series of events unfold which lead to the audience finding out that the antagonist( stalker/attacker) is the good guy but he’s out for revenge because of what Mandy (the protagonist) done in the past which involved him. This is why he wants to make her pay for what she did in the past by stalking, attacking and leaving notes...
The note covered in soil is symbolising death. Because of the location that he will attack her is in a forest area which is muddy and dirty, he's basically trying to say she deserves to be 6 feet underground or under dirt because that's where people are put when they die, and he wants her dead. (This is for the people that may not understand the plot entirely)
We finally came up with a title which Lynette came up with, reason she chose this title is because she had taken it from Madonna’s song 'Live To Tell' which we were going to use in our final product as a backing track. We did not end up using her song although we kept the name because it goes well with the plot.
The note covered in soil is symbolising death. Because of the location that he will attack her is in a forest area which is muddy and dirty, he's basically trying to say she deserves to be 6 feet underground or under dirt because that's where people are put when they die, and he wants her dead. (This is for the people that may not understand the plot entirely)
We finally came up with a title which Lynette came up with, reason she chose this title is because she had taken it from Madonna’s song 'Live To Tell' which we were going to use in our final product as a backing track. We did not end up using her song although we kept the name because it goes well with the plot.
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