The difficulties we went through:
First day of shooting, unfortunately there was a technical difficulty right from the start (battery of camera died), this affected our timing quite badly. However we wouldn't want this to stop us at all so we decided to move on.
Another difficulty was that studying periods are affecting our timing dearly. We all have different timing to each other as in different classes. We as a team have decided to make Media Studies our main objective as we all really want to do well, hopefully achieve a good grade.
A member of our group (Lynette) believed that something was wrong with the tripod, it was not allowing her to get the angle she wants; so she decide to use the handheld method of shooting. I believed that this may affect the film as she may shake whiles shooting from the angle she was in, however I had faith in her and she came out on top.
Things that went well
The Lighting of the room was really good, as the sun allowed the room to be bright all round, which allowed the filming to carry on and go well.
The Location, I was able to sweet talk the Assistant Line Master and her Assistant into using their office to act as our Detective area, so that the mis en scene shows some realness. The office scene went quite well as we got what we wanted out of that day, after going through so any barriers. The office worked well as a detective’s office.
I and a group member decide to appoint Lynette as the person who gets the actors ready. I believed Lynette has the eyes to detect small inputs that may affect the scene in a negative way. We first appointed one of our team members (Deon) to be part of the detective team but he was dressed inappropriately for this scene. However I was able to help Lynette and Deon by getting an actor (Kelechi Asika) to act as one of the staff members in the office with Detective Morris (Me).
Me and Kelechi Asika worked really well as actors because we co operated well and followed the instructions of Lynette who acted as the director that day. This allowed filming to run well and smooth, which allowed a successful shot.
The Costumes that I and Kelechi Asika wore worked really well during the scene. We looked very professional and showed some sort of Verisimilitude.
Photos of what our group got up to:
Our Group At Work
Myself getting into character of Dectective Morris

Lynette showing her camera and directing skills
Deon and Lynette working together to get the scene right
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