Thursday, 22 March 2012

Day 2 Of Filming

21st March 2012

Throughout some of the days of filming I and the team have decided to do some video diaries, we would be doing the day to day stages of the film. This is just a video explaining what was happening at that exact time and what we were up to whiles waiting to start the filming.

This day was the day we shot the main part of the thriller , this day was for the chase scene to be done. As this part of the opening sequence was the actual thriller scene we had to hope for the best.

One difference from the first day of shooting was that the day looked more promising, this was because my team and I were organised and planned what we were going to do. However there were some silly mistakes and some difficulties.

The difficulties we went through

We could of started the filming a little bit earlier. The reason we did not leave as early was because one of our main actors (Abiola Fatusin) had become hungry, he decided to enjoy a meal of pizza. We allowed him to go and get his pizza as he had been putting up with us telling him what to do and what not, and we want our actors to feel comfortable so that they can preform to the best of their ability.

We also had another problem with our good old friend Mr Tripod, we left it in our Assistant Head of Year's office for safe keeping, we failed to get the tripod before she had left to go home. We didn't let the barrier stop us and decided to use the top of Deon Hunte's (group member) head, this helped us a lot as the shot was steady and how we wanted it.

Another difficulty we went through was my fault. It was not until we had finished the filming for the day I  decided to go through what we have filmed on the day. I had noticed that the particular scene that I filmed and was real happy about was no where to be seen, what had happened was I shot the part when we was celebrating my skilful use of a camera. So one of the main frames of that day was lost and could not be done again because the lighting was not the same. I guess me calling myself Alfred Hitchcock Junior got to my head a bit. However I went back to the location to did the shot again, so we would not lose out on a lot of time, I also had to thank Abiola Fatusin for allowing me to waste some more of his time; but it was all for a good cause.

The Things that went well

The actor and actress helped I and the team dearly as they came in the correct attire, this helped really well so that we could get the mis en scene to the best of our ability.

Another thing I believed went well was the location, this really went well with the type of mis en scene we as a team were looking for. Once again I was put in charge of picking a location and I am flattered that my team loved what I produced. The location was a type of forest were there was a footpath and it looked very scary if I may say so myself. There was a great lighting on that day and we was able to achieve the shots we wanted .

The location of the Scene 

Another thing I believed went well was the teamwork, Although I did a massive mistake in not pressing the record button when we needed to, as a team we laughed about it and worked together to decide what we are going to do to overcome the barrier. We ended up overcoming the barrier and finally finished what was once not  done (Day 3).

Here are a few pictures of my team and I at work (Day 2 Of Filming) :

Group members and actress (Jenessa Tawiah) checking what shot angles are suitable.

Myself in the background directing 

I was afraid of the dark so held on to Lynette, joking. Lynette giving me some directions.

22nd March 2012 (Day 3 Of Filming)

I was told to complete the shots we were missing, as it was only one frame and would not take up much time I decided to do this part of the project on my own. Well I was not alone as I needed the attacker (Abiola Fatusin) to finish the shot, so much thanks goes to Abiola as he allowed me to waste his time once again because of my nonsense. Me and the actor managed to work hard and finally get the shot done, it was not as easy as we though as passer bys decided to walk straight into the shots. After all the difficulties the finish product was watched by my group members the next day, they believed I had done a great job and we continued to think about what we are going to do next.

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