Tuesday, 28 February 2012

BBFC Classification The '15' Category

The majority of thrillers have an age rating of' '15', this is also my group's target audience. My groups film will appeal to young adults as well as older adults. Below this paragraph are a few requirements of 15 rated films. The following information is taken from BBFC (British Board of Film Classification).

What does the ‘15’ symbol mean?

No-one under 15 is allowed to see a ‘15’ film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD or video game. Parents are warned that ‘15’ rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age

Is a ‘15’ certificate on a video game the same as a ‘15’ for a film or DVD?

Yes, if a video game is rated ‘15’ it is not suitable for players who are under 15. Parents should not assume that because something is a game it is unlikely to contain the same sort of material as a ‘15’ rated film or DVD. If the BBFC has rated a game ‘15’ it is because it does contain the same sort of material as a ‘15’ rated film or DVD.
The ‘15’ rating has nothing to do with the difficulty of a game or the amount of skill required to play it.

What sort of issues might I find in a ‘15’ film, DVD or video game?

‘15’ works are stronger than '12' or ‘12A’ rated works and could include any of the following:
• Strong violence
• Frequent strong language (eg 'f***').
• Portrayals of sexual activity
• Strong verbal references to sex
• Sexual nudity
• Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
• Discriminatory language or behaviour
• Drug taking

Most of these things would not appear on my group's opening scene.

Researched by a member of my group (Lynette)


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